Stay Profitable by Evolving Your Infrastructure

COVID-19 has forced every business leader to rethink the way they work and lead. Infrastructure improvements are key to transforming your organization and keeping your employees and customers safe while remaining profitable. Consider these four tactics to improve your infrastructure and prepare your business for the future.

Deploy cross-functional, plan-ahead teams

Pull together people from across your organization to collect information, examine scenarios, and develop potential responses. These plans should cover everything from customer behavior changes to fluctuations in health regulations and standards. Once developed, these plans will support quick decision-making based on well-thought-out options. To get the most out of these teams:

  • Ensure they have the autonomy and authority to execute approved plans.

  • Enable automation in local, regional, and global operations, identifying areas where person-to-person contact is not needed and automating can free up crucial time and resources. 

Modularize physical spaces

Implement social distancing best practices in physical space so you can stay open longer and avoid becoming a COVID hot spot. You’ll enhance customer comfort while showing your employees their health and safety is a priority.

Evaluate digital infrastructure

Be ready to make changes as needed and communicate new information to your customers and prospects. To start, fully utilize what you already have in place to streamline operations. Do you have a CRM? Or cloud-based document repository? Or other online tools to manage workflows and processes? Use what’s there and make note of any gaps in your digital infrastructure.

Once you’ve identified your digital needs, explore new technologies that fully equip your team with the tools they need. COVID has prompted many businesses to use teleconferencing, and many other technologies that support remote work have found new relevance. Find out what you need, explore your options, and put the right technology into place.

Mitigate supply chain vulnerabilities

If you have contracts that aren't appropriate during these uncertain times, seek to end them now. If the rent’s too high based on the recession, consider new terms or cancellation. Seek beneficial treatment in old and new contracts and create new diversity in your supply chain so if a partner is affected by a COVID breakout, you can keep busy and avoid sharing their peril.

NCXT is here to help. Schedule a call to reduce the cost of doing business and increase your bottom line.